Thursday, June 28, 2007


This is Pearl iZumi, and a little shot of G in the back on my dresser. She likes to get pets, sit on my shoulder, talk to the birds and squirrels in the yard, and play in her kitty tunnel. She's got quite a devilish streak too - she's been known to break through kitchen window screens and chase neighborhood strays up the tree in the backyard!


This is Gandalf, the sleeping devil. He's the sweetest not-so-little kitty I could ever ask to have. He really likes to eat, chase the laser pointer, watch the birds and squirrels in the yard and give my other kitty, Izumi, a good whuppin' once in a while. Did I mention that he likes to eat?

23% Grade - This is What it Looks Like...

This lovely image is from the final stage of the 2007 Nature Valley Grand Prix in Minnesota. I was suffering pretty big time at this point - many thanks to Paul Forsythe, our team manager, for catching me at one of my 'finest' moments.... Our entire team did fabulous at that race - Catherine, Tamyra, Anne, Kristin, Corie, Marjan and Heidi are some tough chicks who can really move a bike. I am proud to call them my teammates!

Monday, June 25, 2007

I Never Thought I'd Do This But....

Here it is!! Welcome to my blog! I've been fortunate enough in my life to have an amazing and supportive family and a tremendous (and large!) circle of friends - and unfortunately it's difficult to keep in touch as much as I would like. For me, this blog is very much a way to keep connected so please feel free to post comments and photos - the more, the better!

I am going into this whole blog thing totally blind and have no idea what I'm doing but I hope to have it all up and running with regular posts (maybe once a week or so?), links to my website and various other things that I think are cool.....

Thanks for reading - stay tuned!!