Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Fat Tuesday, Bike Building, Rain, Snow, Espresso

No, I did not actually eat this thing - it's a photo from last year. BUT - the source of this little crack bomb indeed asked me if I wanted one this year. I declined, then felt bad about it. Nothing like some fat and sugar to fuel the endurance engine.
Don't you envy me? The view - from my front door.

What a fine return to my life in Chi-town I've had. I think I'm ready to leave again for a while, until this snow thing clears up. Oh yeah, that would require that we have an open airport here - no such luck. Today is a good day to stay in, watch the snow fall, drink espresso in large quantities, do some work, build my bike that I've neglected for a week and a half and take a nap. Did I commute to work this morning on the bike? Well, no. But I did ride outside for 2.5hr yesterday in the wind, rain, sleet and slush. It was insane. I almost cried but then I thought that crying would make it hard to breathe so I told myself to HTFU and just get home.

The RC-7, I really like this bike
So Gandalf stopped in to check out the bike before I started to rebuild it (see him up in the right hand corner?). He's so nosy. Surprisingly it appears that the bike made it through TSA screeners in San Diego without being opened.
Time for another doppio, some R.E.M., Social Distortion, Mighty Mighty Bosstones and bike building...thanks for reading, join me in hoping that the snow melts by the weekend so I dodge the rollers yet another day.