Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Montrose - Brrrrrrrr....

Yeah so it was stupid cold and I decided to be a nancy and assume the role of start line jacket and gatorade wench for the day. It was an easy decision for me. My racing brain was tired and really had no desire to freeze, slip, slide, fall or otherwise have any part of racing for the remainder of the year. I was happy to stay in the heated team tent and cheer for everyone who decided to race the Illinois State Cyclocross Championship at Montrose Harbor in Chicago. We'd had snow, sleet, freezing rain and cold temperatures in the days leading up to the race so course conditions were interesting - snowy, slippery, icy, muddy - a little of everything.
I had the occasion to be there for the 30+ and 40+ men's races and the first half of the women's races before I could no longer feel my toes and decided to head home. Congrats to Lou Kuhn who won the 30+ title (that's Lou at the top of this post) and to my teammate Imelda who scored the silver medal in the Cat 4 women's race. Mike Trulson from the Pony Shop took the junior title. Kristin finished a strong 2nd in the 1/2/3 field and is on the way to Nationals - good luck!
My previous post has a bunch of great photos from the day so check it out.
37 days to San Diego....