Monday, January 28, 2008

There's No Place Like Home

Where else but Cali can you see this sign?
So I'm back to the reality of life at home and it really isn't all that bad. Yeah, it's windy, cold and rainy but it's what I'm used to and it's what I rode my bike in for 3.5hr today. Not ideal but it can definitely be worse. It's going to drop back to zero in a day or two and I might be forced to ride the rollers....ick. But - as I said before, every day that passes is one day closer to spring.

While I totally loved the time I spent in California, it's not home. I could live there and it would still never be "home," if that makes any sense. The riding was great, most of the pavement was smooth, the sun felt amazing, the scenery was breathtaking at times - but I really would only ever want to visit.

So I guess what I'm saying is I'm happy to be home - to catch up with the important people and re-enter the routine of my life, doing what I really like to do. It's good for me to leave once in a while because I always return with some perspective. While I was in Cali I found some confidence, ate (a lot of very good) cookies, saw some cool stuff, laughed until my stomach ached, walked on the beach and watched an amazing sunset, got to ride my bike, learned a few things, read two books, got to chill with my teammates and missed things at home - now I'm back and everything's all good...but I will definitely need to go away again if this lousy weather continues. Soon.